This two-day event was organised by Joel Spolsky of Fog Creek Software (perhaps better known for the Joel on Software blog) and comprised a packed auditorium of 250 delegates and an outstanding line up of the best-of-the-best from the world of software.
We learned a huge amount, and we know that this will continue to filter through into the overall Matchpeg experience you receive. As Jason Fried of 37Signals said in his speech, “you need to focus on what doesn’t change and will continue to be important to users in 10 years time”. For Matchpeg this means continued focus on speed, reliability, impeccable uptime, and - of course - ever-improving ease of use.
We're already blessed with regular advice and feedback from users, but we'd love to know the important things you think we should be focusing on to make your Matchpeg experience even better – so why not email us now ( and we’ll send you some complimentary units as a thank you.
If your business is in any way involved in producing software, then you really should consider attending the conference in 2009. It's turning into one of the most important events for those serious about the Business of Software.
From left to right: Selwyn Herring (Matchpeg), Joel Spolsky (FogCreek), and Neil Bolton, a Matchpeg user from Australia (Recruitment Systems Pty Ltd)