Wednesday, 2 May 2007

NEW feature - central list of RSS feeds

As we hope you already know, Matchpeg makes a very large number of RSS feeds available. For example:
  • Feed of all your pending meetings
  • Feed of all your incomplete action points
  • Feed of all your pending brainstorming sessions
  • Feed of all your current workflow items
  • ...Plus individual feeds for each meeting, workflow item, and brainstorming session
However, no web browser has quite cracked the issue of advertising feed-availability to people. Therefore, in order to make them more prominent and better-known, we've added a central list of the main feeds. This is accessible using the new "RSS feeds" link on the right of the Dashboard.

(If you have no idea what RSS is what are you doing reading a blog? we suggest that you read a generic introduction to the subject, such as the one published by the BBC. All Matchpeg's feeds can be added to places such as a Google home page.)